You are not a widget

One of my biggest frustrations with corporate culture is the tendency for companies to treat everyone like interchangeable parts.

That is such an outmoded, out-dated, obsolete way of thinking!

People are not widgets. We’re not meant to sit in boxes all day under bad lighting in a gray office. We’re not meant to kowtow to petty authority and avoid asking tough questions for fear of reprisal.

This is not the 1920s – we’re not working on assembly lines anymore. We’re not all doing the same, repetitive task over and over again – and companies that treat their employees this way are not making good use of their people’s potential.

In the “knowledge economy,” the most important resource that any company has is the creativity of its people. And this applies from the top to the bottom of the organization – anyone can have a good idea. The most innovative companies are good at generating ideas and insights and efficiencies that can originate anywhere within the organization.

Of course, some creative people are discovering that they’re never really going to be fulfilled by the job that is laid out for them in the corporate world.

Sometimes the best job you will ever have is the one you create for yourself.

Start now.


  1. The title reminded me of Fight Club. Well said. We are told to be creative and to look for efficiencies, so we can make our jobs more like that of an assembly line.

  2. Thanks Jessica. I really appreciate it when I get comments – I love knowing that someone out there is reading this.